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In a television era rich with comic talent, from Morecambe and Wise to Tommy Cooper, Dick Emery to Mike Yarwood, everyone agreed Stanley Baxter was king. Millions were scandalised - and breathless with laughter. With silk gloves up to his armpits and a tiara, he announced himself as the Duchess of Brendagh and delivered a Christmas message that talked of the Queen Mum as a priceless antique. His act was so daring that he was probably the first TV comedian to impersonate the Queen. He could sing, dance, deliver broad panto comedy and perform pinsharp impressions of any star, male or female. His sketch shows were months in the making and the talk of the nation - spectacular, controversial, unlike anything ever seen.īaxter staged full-scale MGM musicals and played every role. The most outrageously funny man on British television 50 years ago was Stanley Baxter. Stanley Baxter (pictured) was married for 46 years, but he reveals in his new autobiography beneath his cheerful exterior lies a man tortured by the fact he is gay

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